News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Advent Prayer Service with the Augustinians
The Advent Stations take us on a tour of the Old Testament. Like the traditional Lenten Stations of the Cross, these seven Advent "stations" or "stopping points" provide a way to ponder the mystery of how God prepared the world to receive his Son at the moment of the Annunciation.
Register for Webinar on Augustinian Social Justice Work: November 16
Register for Webinar on Augustinian Social Justice Work: November 16
A reflection on Labor Day 2020 from the U.S.Bishop’s Conference
As we mark Labor Day this year, let us pray and work together for healing in our communities. Read the 2020 Labor Day Statement (en Español) from Archbishop Coakley, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development.
Augustinians Support International Day of Peace: September 21
The Augustinian Commission for Justice and Peace encourages Augustinian schools, parishes, and communities to observe International Day of Peace, September 21, with learning, prayer and other actions to promote peace, and invites all who identify with Augustinian spirituality to do likewise.
WATCH: Solemn Profession of Br. Sam Joutras, OSA
As the Midwest Augustinians celebrated the Solemnity of St. Augustine, 27-year-old Br. Sam Joutras, O.S.A. made his lifelong profession of vows to the Augustinian Order. Mass was presided by Prior Provincial Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A. on August 30 at St. Jude Parish in New Lenox.
Fr. John Kret, O.S.A. Enters Eternal Life
It is with deep sadness that we share that Rev. John Anthony Kret, O.S.A. entered eternal life on August 16, 2020. He was 86 years of age.
"How Can I Take Action?" By Br. Michael Riggs, O.S.A.
n the days following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, I felt a weight on my heart that left me feeling saddened and hurt over the violence that takes place in our society and the systems that are a part of it.