Maintaining Ethical Ministry with Minors and Adults
Since the Solemnity of the Epiphany, 2002, the Church has been made aware of unspeakable harm to young people by the sexual misconduct of clergy and religious. We have since employed the services of Praesidium, Inc. to assist us in responding to the victims of sexual abuse with informed pastoral care, which may include psychotherapy and spiritual direction.
Praesidium, Inc. has helped us develop parameters for our ministry to minors to ensure, as far as possible, that young people are safely in our care. Furthermore, Praesidium, Inc. has given us direction for having in place guidelines for the supervision and care of any members of our Province accused of sexual abuse.
Praesidium, Inc. or a similar professional investigative agency may be employed to conduct investigations of allegations to ascertain their credibility. More detailed information will be found in our current manual of Policies and Procedures, Volume V, Maintaining Ethical Ministry with Minors and Adults.
At this time we are prepared to report that each member of the Province has been cleared by a criminal background check.
We have joined with other religious communities in the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (C.M.S.M.) to participate in a program designed by Praesidium, Inc. called Instruments of Hope and Healing. This program has led us through the many steps required to have our Province accredited by Praesidium, Inc.
Praesidium, Inc. on June 4, 2009 granted full accreditation to the Province for its policies and practices for the protection of young people. The accreditation must be renewed every three years.
In the accreditation process, Praesidium, Inc. reviews three major areas:
Prevention of misconduct,
Response to allegations of misconduct and
Supervision of any member of the Province who may need it.
The Province is currently accredited through 2029.
We have set up a review board to consider matters related to the protection of young people and to be an independent source of advice on these matters.
Every community of the Province has held at least one community meeting to review and discuss the above cited manual, Maintaining Ethical Ministry with Minors and Adults. Every friar in active ministry has been certified by participation in the Virtus program or through conferences held by Praesidium, Inc. Nearly every friar has participated since 2009 in a minimum of three hours of continuing education programs in order to remain up to date.
Each of us understands what pedophilia is, how to recognize signs of this abuse, and the particular harm to minors resulting from the sexual misconduct of a priest or religious.
Compassion and Understanding
We are profoundly humbled and sorrowed over the harm any minors have suffered as victims of sexual abuse. We apologize to them with personal chagrin and sincerity. We also recognize and admire the courage of those victims who have come forward and called us to respond with compassion and understanding to this critical issue of our ministry to young people. We encourage any victims of sexual abuse to come forward and find us willing to address their needs with a pastoral response.
As a Province, we were committed to a coordinated effort among several religious communities to respond to any allegation of sexual misconduct through an organization called Pathways to Hope. After Pathways to Hope was dissolved in 2011, the Province developed its own response team.
Originally approved by the Prior Provincial and the Province Council May 6, 2005. Subsequently updated.
Contact Survivor Assistant
If you believe that you, or someone you know, has been abused by an Augustinian of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel, you are urged to advise the Province by contacting the Survivor Assistant Coordinator Fr. John D. Merkelis, O.S.A.
Email: outreach@midwestaugustinians.org
Postal Address:
Rev. John D. Merkelis, O.S.A.
Survivor Assistance
10161 South Longwood Drive
Chicago, IL 60643
A Prayer for Healing for Victims of Abuse
God of endless love,
ever caring, ever strong,
always present, always just:
You gave your only Son
to save us by the blood of his cross.
Gentle Jesus, shepherd of peace,
join to your own suffering
the pain of all who have been hurt
in body, mind, and spirit
by those who betrayed
the trust placed in them.
Hear our cries as we agonize
over the harm done
to our brothers and sisters.
Breathe wisdom into our prayers,
soothe restless hearts with hope,
steady shaken spirits with faith:
Show us the way
to justice and wholeness,
enlightened by truth
and enfolded in your mercy
Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts,
heal your people's wounds
and transform our brokenness.
Grant us courage and wisdom,
humility and grace
so that we may act with justice
and find peace in you.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
A Prayer for Healing for Victims of Abuse and accompanying graphic, Copyright © 2004, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Members with an Established Allegation of Sexual Abuse with a Minor
Last Updated May 31, 2024
We, the Augustinians of the Midwest Province (Province), are profoundly sorrowful over the harm any minor has suffered as the result of sexual abuse perpetrated by any of our brothers. We also recognize and admire the courage of those who have come forward and who call us to respond with compassion and understanding to their pain. We continue to encourage any victims/survivors of sexual abuse to come forward.
The Province is committed to transparency, and as part of that commitment, we are publishing the list of our members and former members against whom one or more allegations of sexually abusing a minor have been established. In determining whether an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor is established, the Province adheres to the canonical standard of moral certitude, meaning that the Provincial recognizes that the contrary (that the allegation is false) may be possible, but is highly unlikely or so improbable, that the Provincial has no substantive fear that the allegation is false.
We were assisted in the preparation of this list by an Independent Review Board composed of experts from various disciplines, and our legal counsel. The Province first conducted a comprehensive review of the personnel files of its members. The cases of accused members were then presented to the Independent Review Board, which provided recommendations to the Provincial as to whether an allegation against a member of the Province has been established.
There is no Augustinian of the Midwest Province in public ministry with an established allegation.
There may very well be omissions to our list. Unfortunately, for some time, there was not a standard procedure for processing allegations. Care needed to be exercised in compiling this list, lest someone would be named who should not be, or those who should be named would be omitted. The Province ensured that the process to yield the public names was reliable and fair to all involved, including the Augustinians who may now be dead and those survivors who seek to maintain their peace. Our Province is especially concerned that those survivors who were harmed by members of our Province will not find the person who harmed them listed. Know that we have, to the best of our ability, published the names of offenders who have had an established allegation against them.
This list will be updated if and when the Province learns of additional current, former, or deceased members who have established claims of childhood sexual abuse. There may also be other circumstances preventing allegations from being deemed established, such as where a legal case is pending or an investigation is in progress.
The Province has implemented policies that serve to protect minors from abuse and ensure that all allegations of abuse of a minor are properly reported and investigated. Our personnel are provided rigorous training on those policies on a regular basis. Furthermore, since 2009, the Province has been accredited by Praesidium, Inc., a national leader in creating safe environments for minors, with the Augustinians having renewed that accreditation in 2024.
Join us as we continue to pray for healing for the survivors of sexual abuse and all those affected.
Friars from the Midwest Augustinians Against Whom One (or More) Allegations of Sexually Abusing a Minor Have Been Established
List last updated May 31, 2024
Fr. Raymond Thomas Dullard, O.S.A.
He was removed from ministry in 1974 and is deceased.
Fr. William A. Griffin, O.S.A.
He was dismissed from the Augustinian Order in 1978 and died in 2017.
Fr. John D. Murphy, O.S.A.
He left the Augustinian Order in 1993.
Fr. Frank Paduch, O.S.A.
He left the Augustinian Order in 1989.
Bro. Mark Thedens, O.S.A.
He died in 2003.
If you believe that you, or someone you know, has been abused by an Augustinian of the Midwest Province, you are urged to advise the Province by contacting the Survivor Assistance Coordinator, Fr. John Merkelis, O.S.A.
Email: outreach@midwestaugustinians.org
Postal Address:
Rev. John D. Merkelis, O.S.A.
Augustinian Provincial Office
10161 South Longwood Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60643