What is the Justice and Peace Commission?
The Midwest Augustinians have established a Commission on Justice and Peace with these goals:
-To encourage and coordinate efforts in peace and justice ministry in conjunction with the International Augustinian Secretariate for Peace and Justice
-To encourage and coordinate efforts in peace and justice ministry throughout the Province
-To educate the communities of the Province to the peace and justice ministry by increasing the awareness of the membership in the issues of peace and justice, and to correlate these to our common life and apostolates
-To encourage students in the formation programs to develop a social awareness by involvement in appropriate academic and practical experiences.
Members of the Province Commission on Justice and Peace are named by the Prior Provincial (regional superior) and the Province Council. They serve a four-year term.
Commission members currently serving are
Brother Thomas Taylor, O.S.A.
Brother Spencer Thomas, O.S.A.
Rev. Homero Sánchez, O.S.A.
Very Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A. Prior Provincial
Rev. Jack Tierney, O.S.A., Chairman
Mr. Brian Dwyer
The Commission is implementing a program designed to increase awareness and justice and peace issues on the part of the friars, and to encourage ministry related to those issues.
Promoter of Justice
The 2007 General Chapter called for a more decisive commitment to the promotion of justice and peace according to the social doctrine of the Church. This is required by the Gospel as well as in response to the signs of our times, the Chapter said. The Chapter determined that each geographical area of the Order is to have its own Promoter of Justice and Peace.
The Promoter works in conjunction with the International Secretariate for Justice and Peace and with the Province Commission on Justice and Peace. He receives information from the International Secretariate and makes that information available to all the Friars of the Province.
Upon the recommendation of the Commission, the Provincial and Council appointed Brian Dwyer of the Canadian Augustinian Centre for Justice and Peace as Promoter of Justice for the 2018-2022 term. He is a resource to raise the awareness of the Friars, and to encourage and increase the effectiveness of their justice and peace ministry.
Province Aids Justice and Peace Projects
The Midwest Augustinians annually offer a limited number of small grants to support projects concerned with peace and justice in which Augustinians are involved and which have as a goal the production of systemic change for a more just society. By offering funds, the Province hopes to encourage its Augustinian friars to take an active role in such projects.