Rev. Karl Gersbach, O.S.A. (1935 - 2021)

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Karl Alfred Gersbach was born on January 8, 1935 in Chicago, Illinois to Carl A. and Marie M. (Dhondt) Gersbach. He was Baptized on March 3, 1935 at the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Chicago. He received the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 4, 1948 at the same Church.

He attended Beverly Hills Catholic School, Beverly Hills, California and graduated in 1948 from St. Columbanus Catholic School, Chicago. After completing his Freshman Year at St. Rita High School, Chicago, in 1949, Karl transferred to St. Augustine Seminary High School, Holland, Michigan, where he received his diploma in 1952.

He was received into the Augustinian Novitiate on September 9, 1952. He professed simple (temporary) vows on September 10, 1953 and solemn (permanent) vows on September 10, 1956. He earned a B. A. in Liberal Arts from Villanova University in 1957. He pursued theological studies at Augustinian College, Washington, D.C. from 1957 to 1961. He was ordained a Priest on June 7, 1961. He earned an M.A. in Latin from Catholic University of America in 1962, and a Ph.D. in Classical Languages from the University of Chicago, Chicago, in 1973.

Father Gersbach’s first assignment was at Tolentine College, Olympia Fields, Illinois, as a Teacher and Sub-Master of the Professed. In 1963, he was transferred to Mendel Catholic High School, Chicago, where he taught for one year. From 1964 to 1967, while continuing to reside at Mendel Monastery, he was engaged full-time in his doctoral studies.

In 1967, he returned to Tolentine College, Olympia Fields, where he taught while continuing doctoral studies. When the Augustinian Theology School at Tolentine College closed in 1969 and the students of theology resided at Mendel Monastery, Chicago, while studying at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Father Gersbach was named Master of Theologians at Mendel Monastery. The following year, when the students relocated to St. John Stone Friary, Chicago, Father Gersbach continued to reside at Mendel Monastery while pursuing his doctoral studies.

He was elected Secretary of the Province in 1971, residing at the Augustinian Provincialate, Evanston, Illinois until 1972. When the Provincialate moved to St. Nicholas of Tolentine Monastery, Olympia Fields, in 1972, Father Gersbach relocated there. In 1977, he served briefly as Secretary General of the Augustinian Order in Rome.

Father Gersbach participated in the Clinical-Pastoral Education program at Ben Taub Hospital, Houston, Texas, for six months in 1977 and 1978. He ministered briefly at St. Gregory Parish, Cambridge, Ontario (Canada) in 1978 before being assigned to the Augustinian Midwest Priory, Villanova, Pennsylvania. There he served on the staff of the Augustinian Historical Institute.

In 1979, he again resided at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Monastery, Olympia Fields, serving as Secretary of the Province (1979-83), Personnel Director (1979-81) and Prior Provincial (1983-87).

After completing his term as Prior Provincial in 1987, he pursued studies and research in Rome. In 1988, he taught at Villanova University, Villanova, while residing at St. Augustine Friary there. In 1989, he returned to Rome to continue his studies and research.

Father Gersbach was named Pastor of Holy Rosary Parish, Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 1990, a post he held until 1994. In 1992, while continuing as Pastor of Holy Rosary, he was named Assistant General of the Augustinian Order. Because holding these two offices simultaneously proved incompatible, Father Gersbach stepped down as Pastor in 1994 and was transferred to St. Rita Parish, Racine, Wisconsin. He completed his term as Assistant General in 1995.

In 1996, he was named Director of the Augustinian Historical Institute and assigned to St. Thomas of Villanova Monastery, Villanova.

When the then Prior Provincial, Robert F. Prevost, O.S.A., was elected Prior General of the Augustinian Order in late 2001, Father Gersbach, while continuing his work at the Augustinian Historical Institute, served as Vicar Provincial until a new Prior Provincial was elected in 2002.

After the Augustinian Historical Institute was merged into Villanova University’s Augustinian Institute in 2009, Father Gersbach continued as part of the Institute staff.

In June, 2014, Father Gersbach was elected Province Archivist. He was assigned to St. John Stone Friary, Chicago.

Declining health caused Father Gersbach to be assigned in July of 2021 to Bl. Stephen Bellesini Friary, Crown Point, Indiana, where he could receive the needed health care.

On August 21, 2021, Father Gersbach entered eternal life.

Memorial gifts may be made to: The Midwest Augustinians, 10161 S Longwood Dr, Chicago, IL 60643-2032 or via our Online Giving Page.