Rev. G. Jerome Knies, O.S.A. (1935-2020)


George Jerome Knies was born on July 5, 1935 in Chicago, Illinois to George J. and Genevieve Knies. He was Baptized on July 28, 1935 at St. Mary Church, Chicago. He received the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 9, 1946 at St. Christina Church, Chicago.

His elementary education took place at St. Christina School, Chicago and St. Gerald School, Oak Lawn, Illinois. He graduated from Leo High School, Chicago, in 1953.

After completing high school, Lake Forest College offered a scholarship to Jerry. But Jerry chose to enter the Augustinian formation program at St. Augustine Seminary, Holland, Michigan, where he did a semester of postgraduate studies in 1953.

He was received into the Augustinian Novitiate January 30, 1954. He professed Temporary Vows in the Order January 31, 1955 and Solemn Vows January 31, 1958. He was ordained a Priest April 7, 1962.

Following profession of vows, Jerry studied in the Major Seminary program at Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, earning a B. A. in Philosophy in 1958. He did theological studies at St. Monica College, Rome and Lateran University, Rome, which awarded him an S. T. B. degree in 1962. He earned an S. T. L. in 1963 and an S. T. D. in 1967, both from Catholic University, Washington, D.C.

Father Knies’ first assignment was at St. Rita High School, Chicago, where he was a teacher. In 1966, he was assigned at Tolentine College, Olympia Fields, Illinois, where he taught theology and directed the program of formation for seminarians. When the seminarians at Tolentine moved to Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Father Knies taught there.

In 1973, he was called to Rome, where he taught in the international seminary at St. Monica College and the Augustinian Patristic Institute until 1976. He was also the treasurer of the school during those years.

When he returned to the United States in 1976, he was assigned at Tolentine Center, Olympia Fields, where he directed retreats, provided personal counseling to clients from the surrounding area, and was Theologian in Residence. He moved to Austin Friary, Olympia Fields, in 1983, while continuing his work as a counselor.

Beginning in the late 1980's and continuing up to 2012, Father Knies has held numerous positions of leadership and service in the Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. These have included at various times member of the Province Council, Trustee of Catholic Theological Union and member of several Province committees and commissions.

Father Knies served as Vicar Provincial, Personnel Director, Regent of Theological Studies, Director of Internal Ministry and member of the Province Commissions on Education and Vocations/Formation and the Pastors’ Forum until July, 2010.

At that time, he was assigned to Bl. Stephen Bellesini Community, Racine, Wisconsin, where the North American Augustinian Novitiate is located. He was the Prior of the Augustinian Community, and part of the Novitiate Formation Team.

On the summer of 2017, Father Knies was transferred to Bl. Stephen Bellesini Friary, Crown Point, Indiana, where was receiving physical therapy to help him regain his mobility following a serious injury to his leg.

On December 8, 2020, Father Knies entered eternal life.

Memorial gifts may be made to: The Midwest Augustinians, 10161 S Longwood Dr, Chicago, IL 60643-2032 or via our Online Giving Page.