Meet Our Newest Advancement Assistant

Karon Basile began working as the newest Advancement Assistant for the Augustinians in January, 2014.  Karon shares below about how experience working for the Augustinians so far:

It was a great way to start off the New Year.  I started helping out with data entry, and there was--and still is--plenty to do.  I quickly moved into organizing mission appeals.  I am support to Mary Gal Caroll (Database Administration), Elizabeth Mazur (Annual Fund), Patrick Murphy (Communications, and sometimes Michael Gerrity (Chief Advancement Officer).  There is a terrific cast of characters in the office and we blend well together.  I've met so many endearing Augustinians at various events, especially: the Augustinian Gala (which was just fabulous), Fr. Bernie's second installation as Prior Provincial, and just the general popping in and out of the office visits from various brothers, fathers, and sometimes even a guest or two.  The Augustinians have a wonderful following and have impacted many lives; they are a very warm and welcoming Order indeed.

My first encounter with the Augustinians prior to becoming a part of the advancement staff was when Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A., came to my parish, St. Christina, for a retreat.  He would inspire us from the moment he started talking:  so funny and enlightening.  Who knew at that time a door would open in the not too distant future which would lead me to the Augustinians' advancement office!  Life is full of twists and turns; we must learn to enjoy the ride.  I feel I am settling in quite nicely and learning all the ropes, of which there are many.  We are a small office, but mighty indeed!

I have been married to my husband George for 17 years, who is a retired Chicago policeman after 35 years.  I have one son, Frank, who attends Brother Rice High School, and is a graduate of St. Christina grammar school.  He will be entering his junior year in the fall.  I am a graduate of Evergreen Park High School and of Western Illinois University with a Bachelor of Arts degree.  I also attended Moraine Valley Community College for various computer courses.

I can be contacted at or 773-595-4021.


Celebrating 60 Years as an Augustinian: Fr. Henry Maibusch, O.S.A.


Living Biographies: Fr. Leo Cameron, O.S.A.