Pat Ormsby Joins Province Advancement Advisory Council

Pat Ormsby

The Augustinians are proud to welcome Patrick J. Ormsby as the newest member of the Province Advancement Advisory Council.  The council advises the Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians on fundraising efforts across thee Province.

Pat first came to know the Augustinians by attending Mendel Catholic High School, a now-closed high school on the south side of Chicago, in 1964.  He has most recently been serving as a Vice-Chair for the Augustinians' Continuing Our Journey of Faith capital campaign.

When asked why he supports the Augustinians, Pat says, "I went to an Augustinian high school in Chicago, Mendel Catholic, as did my brothers. In my freshman year, my father died, and my tuition was paid by The Men's Club and the Augustinians for me and my younger brothers.  The Augustinians at Mendel were role models of an important part of my formative years."

Pat is the president of Bimba Manufacturing, which has 4 plants and 600 employees. The company specializes in pneumatics and hydraulics for factory automation and manufacturing robotics.  Pat is also on the boards of Illinois Manufacturers' Association, the Prairie State College Foundation, Governors State University, and the Franciscan St. James Hospital Foundation.

If you are interested in joining the Augustinians' Province Advancement Council, please email Michael Gerrity or call him at 773-595-4035.


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