From the Worldwide Leader of Augustinians: Congratulating this Year's Gala Honorees

Rome 13 March 2015
The Second Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis

Curia Generalizia Agostiniana
Via Paolo VI, 25
Roma 00193 Italia

Dear Sisters and Brothers, Friends of the Augustinians of the Midwest,

Greetings to you from Rome! Blessings during these seasons of Lent and Easter!

I write to congratulate you and all those who are associated with the Augustinians of the Midwest Province, especially as you give thanks for the past 75 years of service and ministry together, and as you celebrate in this present moment all that has been accomplished, and as you see this evening as a new beginning toward the future, all with a spirit of hope and community and love.

The Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A., Prior General of the Augustinian Order (left); with the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians

The Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A., Prior General of the Augustinian Order (left); with the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians

This year I am going to be able to be with you for this Gala Evening and I am looking forward to this opportunity to thank you personally for all that you do for us Augustinians. We could do nothing without you! A simple truth, so self-evident, but which needs to be repeated over and over again in a spirit of thanks! 
As the Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine, even though my home address is here in Rome, I am usually out on the road visiting our more than 2650 friars and our more than 400 communities spread throughout the world. It is a lot of work but it is so inspiring to see what an international community, inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is able to do, especially with the help of brothers and sisters like you. 

At the Gala you are going to honor Fr. Tony Pizzo, whom I know personally and who is doing wonderful work for the Church in Chicago. You will honor Deacon Jim Foody, MD, who will be affiliated to our Order and whom we thank for his many decades of loving service to the friars of the Province. Also you will honor the late Fr. Ray Ryan, whom I knew and whom I respect for his leadership as Provincial of the Midwest Province for three terms of office. 

We are here to celebrate a dream that began 75 years ago and which has grown into the parishes and schools and ministries, which we jointly care for. We are also here to put our hope in another dream, an exciting dream for the future that is yet to be but which invites us forward. 

May God bless you all and all whom we serve together!

Sincerely yours in Christ and Saint Augustine,
Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton, OSA
Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine


New Director of Augustinian Mission at St. Rita High School


Father Christopher Steinle, O.S.A., Assigned to Ecuadorian Missions