Augustinians Honor 17 with Highest Honor
Following recent announcements over the past few weeks, the Augustinians are pleased to announce that 3 more laypeople from Tulsa, Oklahoma, will join 14 others in being named Affiliates of the Augustinian Order. Affiliation is the highest honor that the Augustinian Order can bestow upon an individual. Nominated by the Augustinian Cascia Hall Community, the new Affiliates include:
- Roger Carter
- Bonnie Leighty
- Connie Leos
The new Affiliates of the Order will receive their Certificates of Affiliation on April 19, 2015, which is the day following Cascia Hall's Celebrate Cascia annual event. The new Affiliates will receive their honors personally from the Augustinian Prior General (worldwide leader of Augustinians), from the Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A.
Roger, Bonnie, and Connie join 14 others who were also recently announced as new Affiliates of the Order, including:
New Illinois Augustinian Affiliates
- Deacon David and Maria Andrade
- Frank Caldarone
- Sr. Ardis Cloutier, O.S.F.
- Chuck Engvall
- Deacon Jim Foody, M.D.
- Michael Heeney
- Letitia Olinger
New Ontario Augustinian Affiliates
- Father Gregory Lawrence Hogan
- John A. Gennaro
- Frank Stadler
- Luciano Conte
- Joseph G. Gennaro
- Quinto M. Annibale
New Illinois Augustinian Affiliates will also receive the Certificates of Affiliation at the Augustinians' 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Opening Mass, celebrated by the Augustinian Prior General. The Mass follows the Augustinians' third annual Augustinian Gala, which honors Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A.; recently named Affiliate Deacon Jim Foody, M.D.; and the late Fr. Ray Ryan, O.S.A.
Affiliation of the Faithful to the Order
Definition According to the Augustinian Order
The Order has the faculty of affiliating to itself the faithful who merit special recognition because their distinguished cooperation for the good of the Order. By reason of this affiliation they belong to the Augustinian Family and share in all the spiritual benefits of the Order. All the friars, in their heart and actions, are to show their gratitude to all those who are affiliated. Affiliation is granted by the Prior General on his own initiative or upon the request of any community of the Augustinian Family. The certificate of affiliation should be granted with some solemnity. The parents of friars and sisters of solemn vows are considered affiliated to the Order from the very day of solemn profession. The Prior General can grant this affiliation to the parents of the brothers and sisters of aggregated Congregations if the Generals of these Congregations ask for it. If opportune, other expressions of honor or gratitude can also be conferred.
Edited on March 23, 2015.