'Legendary Locals' Book Highlights Many Augustinians and Augustinian Supporters in Chicago

Pat Cronin was a 'legendary local' of Chicago and beloved coach at St. Rita High School

Nestled in the middle of the Southwest Side of Chicago are the neighborhoods of Chicago Lawn, West Lawn, and Marquette Manor. All three border picturesque Marquette Park, which intertwines their histories.  The pages of the new book Legendary Locals of Chicago Lawn and West Lawn are filled with tales of people who make up the story, or, in some cases, add spice to the story of this section of the city. Highlighted locals include several Augustinians, Augustinian Affiliates, as well as, many graduates and associates of Augustinian schools.

Open the book and read about the lady known as the ‘Witch of Wall Street’ and the Augustinian priest who took her to court to save his parishioners from deadly disease. Learn about the legendary football coach who built the St. Rita Mustangs into a perennial state-ranked powerhouse taking them from a 0-9 record and turning them into an unbeaten championship team in three years. Who was dubbed the “Mayor of 69th Street?”

It was a St. Rita High School graduate of course. Why were signs popping up in windows all over the 15th Ward that read “Pray for Father Lawlor?”  And there are many, many more, why the first female lieutenant in the Chicago Police Department was even a graduate of St. Rita Grammar School.

Author Kathleen Headley writes a weekly column in the Southwest News-Herald, is on the board of the Chicago Lawn Historical Society, is author of Images of America: Chicago Lawn/Marquette Manor, and is a longtime parishioner of St. Rita Parish. Co-author Tracy Krol is a Chicago Lawn native, sits on the executive board of the Chicago Lawn Historical Society, and is a graduate of St. Rita Grammar School.  

Books are available at Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, and several local outlets. Autographed copies can be obtained from the authors for $22 plus shipping by contacting Tracy Krol at Bktk1010@hotmail.com or 773-716-6901.”



St. Jude's New Associate Pastor: Father Robert Basler OSA


Peter Lisnic, St. Rita '89, Volunteers Time to Serve as Trustee Benefiting Augustinians