Who Is Father Bill Perez OSA?
This year, we are hosting a special Reception Honoring the Augustinians of Tulsa. Dozens of Augustinians friars have made tremendous impacts on the lives of thousands in Tulsa, particularly at Cascia Hall Preparatory School, where the Order has served since 1926. One friar in particular we will be honoring is Father Bill Perez, O.S.A., for his 60th Anniversary of Profession of Vows as an Augustinian.
So tell us a bit about Father Perez...
He was born and baptized in Mexico City, Mexico with the name Guillermo Armando de Corazón de Jesús Amieva in 1935. He found his way to meeting the Augustinians in the United States when he enrolled at Cascia Hall in 1952, where he received his high school diploma. While he studied at Cascia, he adopted the name William, which is the English equivalent of the name Guillermo.
Following his time at Cascia, William went on to study at Tulsa University. After graduating in 1955, he entered the Augustinian Novitiate and then professed his first religious vows - vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience - one year later. And so, after sixty years from this moment in time when he began his commitment to serving God and His people, we now commemorate all that he has done for the Church!
William professed his solemn (perpetual) vows in the Order in 1959 and continued his studies at Villanova University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy in 1958. He then pursued theological studies at Augustinian College in Washington, D.C., and was ordained to the priesthood on June 9, 1962.
In Which Ministries Has He Been Involved?
Like most other Augustinians, Father Perez has served all across the Midwestern United States. His first assignment after his priestly ordination was to serve at Augustinian Academy in St. Louis, Missouri. That assignment only lasted a few months, though, as he was needed to serve at Austin Catholic High School in Detroit as a teacher and vice-principal. He served there from 1962 until 1967. He then was transferred for a year to a similar position at Mendel Catholic High School in Chicago.
In 1967, Father Perez was assigned to his serve as a teacher at his Cascia Hall alma mater. He was reassigned to St. Louis for three years, but returned back to Tulsa in 1972 where he served faithfully for the following 16 years.
From 1988 to 1992, Father Perez began serving as a Pastor for two parishes in the Diocese of Dallas: Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Morgan and Holy Angels Parish in Clifton. He lived at the Augustinian Center House in nearby Abbott, Texas, at this time; the center house served as a small community for multiple friars serving several small churches in the surrounding area.
In 1992, he returned once again to Cascia Hall as a teacher. In this time, he also served as the Facilities Manager, Grounds Supervisor, Alumni Chaplain, and Director of Tennis. He retired in 2014 and still lives in community at Cascia Hall Monastery.
How Can I Help in Honoring Father Perez?
We are hosting a special Reception Honoring the Augustinians of Tulsa on Saturday, October 8 at Cascia Hall. The reception will also have a special recognition for Father John Gaffney, O.S.A. The reception begins at 5:30 pm in the Scianna Performing Arts Center and follows Mass with Bishop David Konderla of Tulsa in St. Rita Chapel.
Tickets are available now; all proceeds for the reception benefit Augustinian vocations and men in formation. There are also several sponsorship opportunities still available!
The reception has been generously sponsored by the William K. Warren Foundation. It is co-sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Meredith Siegfried Madden & Peter Madden; and Mr. & Mrs. John Gaberino, Jr.
What If I Can't Make It to Tulsa on October 8?
Don't fret! If you can't make it, you can still recognize Father Perez on his 60th Anniversary! All donations made in honor of Father Bill Perez, O.S.A. (or any other Augustinian) are publicly recognized in The Midwest Augustinian newsletter. If you wish to make a tribute gift - in any amount - to publicly recognize an Augustinian, click here. You'll also receive a complimentary subscription to receive the newsletter!
We Hope to See You There!
Remember, the reception is on Saturday, October 8! We are asking for all RSVPs by Tuesday, October 4. Click the link below to register today!