Tulsa Dinner Raises Money for Augustinian Vocations

The second annual Polo Grill "Fine Dining for Augustinian Vocations" Dinner took place at the Polo Grill in Tulsa, Sunday evening, November 17. Our gracious sponsors were the owners of the Polo Grill, Robert and Diane Merrifield. Bishop David Konderla of Tulsa opened the evening with some welcoming comments in which he expressed great gratitude for the Augustinians' near century of service to the people of Tulsa. Our hosts were Prior Provincial Very Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A., and Prior of the Cascia Hall Augustinian Community, Rev. Stephen Isley, O.S.A. The funds raised are vitally important to support the formation of future Augustinians, like the men who serve at Cascia Hall in Tulsa. This year's event raised over $52,000. We are hoping to do even better in 2020."


Christmas Message from the Midwest Prior Provincial


The Midwest Augustinians' 2018-2019 Annual Report Is Here!