Ordination of Br. Jack Tierney, OSA Rescheduled (Date TBD)

We pray that you are happy and safe this Easter season.

Following our decision to push our 2020 Augustinian Gala to April 2021, we began looking for ways to livestream the Priesthood Ordination of Br. Jack Tierney, O.S.A., scheduled for April 25th.  However, considering the present gathering restrictions still in place, Province leadership decided, together with Br. Jack, that it is best that his ordination be rescheduled to a future date. We will keep you posted on any further developments. 

In the meantime, we ask that you continue to pray for Jack and all the students in formation as they continue to commit themselves to the Augustinian way of life.

Prayer for Augustinian Vocations:

Let us pray to the Lord of the harvest,

who calls men and women to loving service:

(pause for silent prayer)

All glory and praise are yours, God of truth,

light of our hearts, for you guide your

people in the ways of holiness.

Help those who follow in the footsteps of Augustine

to seek you through mutual love and worship

and to be servants of your Church

as examples that others may follow.

Enlighten men and women to see the beauty

of common life in the spirit of Saint Augustine

and strengthen them in your service, so that the

work you have begun in them may be brought

to fulfillment. We ask this through Christ,

our Lord. Amen.


Augustinians in Chuquibambilla, Peru Coordinate with Authorities for the Common Good


VIDEO: Easter Message from the Prior Provincial (ENG/SPAN)