Pastoral Visit to the Vicariate of Iquitos, Peru

From September 29 until October 6, the Provincial was invited to attend a special event in the Parish of Santo Cristo de Bagazán in Iquitos, Peru. This Vicariate was founded by the Province of the Holy Name, one of the several Provinces of Spain at the beginning of the 20th Century. Along with the Vicariates of Apurimac and Chulucanas, Iquitos forms part of the Augustinian Federation of missionary Vicariates in Peru.

 P. Fr. Walker Dávila Rios, O.S.A. is the current pastor of the Parroquia del Santo Cristo in the heart of the City of Iquitos. Iquitos is located in the Northwest part of Peru in the Amazon region. The climate is consistently hot and humid. The city is densely populated and is one of the poorer regions of the country.

 Fr. Walker introduced me to the pastoral service he is offering the community of Santo Cristo. The people are very simple and “entregada” (dedicated) to their faith community. During the first wave of the pandemic, a generous donor, former alum of Mendel and persona friend, Carl Adducci, has been instrumental in providing much needed funds to sustain the food program at the parish. Fr. Walker appealed to me to direct funds to his parish.  He has been very attentive to the needs of his faith community where he is regarded with much respect and admiration. 

 Currently, we are in conversation about contacting Doctors without Borders to explore the possibility of a week’s visit to the parish. Fortunately, I have a friend who is a physician and active member who will assist in channeling the medical attention and advice needed. If these conversations are fruitful, we will be able to coordinate a visit with DWB. I ask for your prayerful support so that we may realize this venture.

 Monseñor Miguel Ángel Cadenas, O.S.A. was recently named and appointed Obispo del Vicariato Apostolico de Iquitos. Fr. Walker and I were invited to his residence various times where we had the opportunity to dine with him and informally discuss the pastoral service the Augustinians continue to provide. The Agustinos offer pastoral service in parishes, colegios (schools) and in Pastoral de Conjunto (lay collaboration).  As in many areas of service, they are very respected and esteemed for their pastoral attention.

 I consider myself very fortunate to have visited all three of the principal regions of Peru, La Costa, La Sierra y La Amazona. I discovered the diverse cultural and social nuances in each of these regions. The level of poverty due to a broken economy, political instability, the worst pandemic response, and many other social ills do not fracture the depth of faith and its expression demonstrated by the local people. Christ is present and active in the faith community of Santo Cristo de Bagazán. Once again, I am reminded that it’s not so much what I bring as a visitor from a developed nation, but more importantly it’s what I take back with me reminding me that less is more. The Spirit is transformative and Fr. Walker and the people of Iquitos channel that energy. I am grateful and blessed. Please pray for those discerning our Augustinian way of life, especially for an increase of vocations in the Missions.

 Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A.


XVI ANNUAL POSADA - Seeking Immigration Reform


Province welcomes three Pre-Novices