2022 Augustinian Gala Honorees Announced

Fr. Tony Pizzo is pleased to announce that a committee of Friars and Advancement Council members have selected outstanding candidates as the 2022 Augustinian Gala honorees. Our lay honorees with be Catharine and Edward Hennessy. They and their families have served the Augustinians of the Province in leadership roles and with gifts of their time, talent, and treasure for over forty years. Catharine and Edward now serve on the Province Advancement Council, and Catharine also serves on the Board of St. Rita High School. They are also Affiliates of the Order.


Catharine and Edward Hennessy

Also nominated is Fr. Fred Taggart, O.S.A. Fr. Fred, who resides now in the Augustinian community at Crown Point, has served as an Augustinian for well over fifty years – as a pastor and teacher at numerous locations. As has been the custom for ten years, this gala will also accord well-deserved posthumous recognition to Fr. John Gaffney, O.S.A., a beloved teacher and leader who taught at Cascia Hall in Tulsa for almost thirty-five years. Before then he taught at St. Rita High School, and for a while served as Director of Novices. At the time of his death in 2019 he had been solemnly professed for seventy-seven years.

Fr. Fred Taggart, O.S.A and Fr. john gaffney, O.S.A.

Our honorees will be recognized at the Augustinian Gala, 6:00 P.M., Friday, April 22, 2022, in the Crystal Ballroom of the Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. Information on sponsorships, seating, and tables will be forthcoming soon. In the interim, all questions may be directed to Michael Gerrity, Province Advancement Director, at 312-241-9696.


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