March News Briefs from the Province

Province News Brief

  • On April 29 starting at 6:30pm, we will be hosting our Annual Augustinian Gala virtually. We will be honoring Mark Hacker (St. Rita Alum), Bob Sullivan (Cascia Hall Alum), Rev. Dan Hartigan, O.S.A. and Rev. Jim Thompson, O.S.A. To register to attend the event or for more information, please visit: There is no cost to attend.

  • Bishop Daniel Turley, O.S.A. has returned from Peru after 53 years of priesthood and nearly 25 years as Bishop of Chulucanas. He is living in community at St. Rita Parish and anticipates continuing his ministry with the Immigrant community. The Province is currently planning a welcoming Mass and celebration and more details will follow. Look to see a special message from Bishop Turley at our Gala!

  • Br. Spencer Thomas, O.S.A. has been nominated to attend the 2021 Virtual Christian Leadership for the Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE). According to the FTE’s website, the FTE “is a leadership incubator that inspires young people to make a difference in the world through Christian communities.”

  • On April 28, the Chicago Theological Union (CTU) will be hosting their annual Blessed are The Peacemakers event and their honorees are Christine Grady, RN, PhD who is the Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center and Anthony Fauci, MD who is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. It will be an hour-long virtual event from 7:00pm until 8:00pm.

  • All Augustinian retired and infirm friars at Crown Point, Montereau, and Province Health Center in Canada have been vaccinated.

  • St. Rita High School will be increasing in-person class sizes as the access to the vaccine becomes more available.

  • On May 8, Fr. Ray Flores, O.S.A., Br. Joe Roccasalva, O.S.A. and Br. Jeff Raths, O.S.A. will profess Solemn Vows. The event will take place at St. Rita of Cascia Parish. To attend the ceremony, please click on the link:

  • On June 12, the Presbyteral Ordination of Br. Sam Joutras and Diaconate Ordinations of Brs. Joe Roccasalva, O.S.A. and Jeff Raths, O.S.A. will be taking place at St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel. More information to follow.

  • This year’s Province Retreat will be a hybrid event taking place between June 15 and June 17. This retreat is for all friars in the Province and will only be taking place in the mornings.

  • The current landlord for our Midwest Augustinian Province Offices—Catholic Theological Union—is in the process of selling the building we occupy. A taskforce was created of friars and lay staff to locate possible relocation sites. Further announcements will be made in May.

Parish News

St. Turibius

  • St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry has helped many families. The pantry is currently in need of more canned food items.

  • St. Turibius parishioners and the greater Augustinian community can live stream parish events at and click on “Live Stream” box.

  • Rectory hours are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The rectory is closed Saturday through Monday.

  • 1st Friday Devotions: English after 8:00am Mass and Polish after 6:00pm Mass

St. Rita

  • If you are 18 or older and live in the Gage Park neighborhood, you are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at Esperanza Health Centers. NO ID or insurance is necessary. For more information, please visit:

  • The St. Rita Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays at 1:00pm.

St. Jude

  • The food pantry needs the following items: Canned Meats (chicken, spam, etc.), paper towels, tissues, syrup, coffee, and jelly. If you are in need, please call the parish office at 815-485-8049.

  • The Life in the Spirit Prayer Group meets every first and third Thursday in the church and Zoom Rosary Meeting takes place on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm. For more information, please call John or Mary Kocoucer at 815-557-8990 or 815-557-8274.

  • To register to attend Mass, please visit or call 815-485-8049.

St. Bernard

  • To live stream Mass, please visit or if you are interested in attending, please visit: or call 708-762-2243 to register.

  • The parish hosted a blood drive on March 25 as the state’s blood supply needs donations.

  • Please return Lenten Rice Bowls to the parish on Sunday, April 11.

  • The Lockport Food Pantry is now serving Lockport and Homer townships. The food pantry is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:30am to 11:00am. Please call 815-588-3543 for more information.


Watch: Welcome Mass for Bishop Daniel Turley


Funeral Arrangements for Fr. Edward Kersten, O.S.A.