Message for St. Augustine Feast Day 2022
Blessed Feast of St. Augustine 2022
Message from the Anthony Benedetto Pizzo, OSA, Provincial
Buona Festa e Felicidades!
Recently, I attended a special event for a charitable group and a gentleman approached me knowing that I am an Augustinian friar and told me he started to read the City of God. His initial introduction to St. Augustine was the Confessions and he wanted to acquaint himself further with Augustine’s thought in light of the current state of the world. A few days later, coincidentally, a friend who is a retired banker asked me about the City of God as well. I recommended one of the latest versions and she was delighted to pursue her further reading, again, in light of current global trends.
I find this fascinating that the two individuals, neither clergy, religious nor even academics, would tap into Augustine’s thought exploring ways to contextualize current issues.
I believe this may indicate that many are seeking meaning to our national and global disjointed reality. There seems to be a sense of longing for connection and Augustine’s thought gives us the opportunity to reflect further. Perhaps, the restlessness in which we find ourselves is pushing people to explore a deeper meaning in a fragmented world.
The spirit of St. Augustine continues to live on, not only in academic settings but also in discussions and reflections regarding the current state of the world.
Michael Sean Winters, an author of several articles in the National Catholic Reporter as well as several books, writes in a 2015 article about St. Augustine in the NCR:
“One of the reasons Augustine’s writings still speak to us all these centuries later is his rootedness in the actual circumstances of life. Ideas can be more easily manipulated than facts. This is the insight Pope Francis draws our attention to when he states that reality is more important than ideas. Whatever else it is, the Church is not an idea but a living community.”
It is heartening to know that there is still interest in consulting with one of the greatest minds in Church and cultural history. Augustine was not only focused on developing Christian thought but was also a practical pastor who accompanied his Christian community addressing them in their respective circumstances. There was always an intimate connection between theory and practice for Augustine. He is never cold and abstract but rather he is pastoral in practice. He was a man of vision who was not afraid of looking ahead and taking steps forward, always restless for what could be. His whole journey of faith can be summed up as a communal pilgrimage through Christ and towards Christ.
Holy Father Augustine, pray for us!
Hermanos y Hermanas,
+Felicidades en el dia solemne de N. P. San Agustin+
Anticipando de participar en el Capitulo del Vicariato de S. Juan de Sahagún, les mando mis saludos fraternos y los de los hermanos de
La Provincia de Nuestra Madre del Buen Consejo.
No hay duda de que S. Agustin fue una de las mentes más importantes en la historia de la iglesia. Fue un hombre práctico que demostró que el mensaje evangélico de Jesucristo no solo era algo para reflexionar sino también para encarnarlo en nuestra propia vida individualmente y comunitaria. Todos hemos sido educados, en mayor o menor grado, en el pensamiento y espiritualidad de nuestro Santo Padre San Agustín. Que siempre encontremos el sentido comunitario en nuestra peregrinación por Cristo y con Cristo acompañado por las oraciones de S. Agustin. Sepan, hermanos y hermanas que los acompaño a Uds con mis oraciones y mi apoyo fraterno. Me pongo en sus oraciones!
Anthony Benedetto Pizzo, OSA
P. Provincial