A New Augustinian Cardinal

Celebrating Cardinal Robert Prevost, O.S.A.

On Saturday, September 30th, Archbishop Robert Prevost, O.S.A., become a Cardinal during the Vatican Consistory.

Cardinal Prevost gave a speech to Pope Francis on behalf of the other Cardinals-Elect at the beginning of the ceremony. After a reading from the Acts of the Apostles and a homily by Pope Francis, he and the other Cardinals-Elect made a profession of faith and oath of fidelity. Following this, they each received their biretta, ring, and titular Roman church. For his titular church, Cardinal Prevost was named Cardinal-Deacon of the Church of St. Monica.

Congratulations, Cardinal Prevost! We will keep you in our prayers, and we thank you for serving our worldwide Church in this new role!

 Please join us in congratulating Cardinal Prevost and in praying for him in his new role.


Synodal Prayer


From the Provincial: Have a Blessed Feast of St. Augustine