Pope Francis Names New Augustinian Bishop
Today, the 7th day of July 2014, the news was announced that our brother, Manuel Ochogavía Barahona, O.S.A., of the Matritense Province of Spain and of the Vicariate of Panama, has been named by Pope Francis as Bishop of Colón – Kuna Yala, Panama.
Bishop-elect Ochogavía Barahona was born on 23 July 1967 in Las Tablas, Los Santos, Panama. He entered the Order as a novice in the Matritense Province of Spain, on 7 September 1989, at the novitiate in the Royal Monastery of El Escorial, Spain and professed first vows on 8 September 1990. He professed solemn vows in the Order on 11 August 1995. He completed his philosophical and theological studies at the Seminario San Agustin in Panama City, Panama and was ordained to the priesthood on 4 May 2002.
In 1994, he served at the Centro Misional “Jesus Obrero," Tole, Panama. From 1995 to 1997, he served at the Seminario San Agustin, Panama City, Panama, and from 1998 to 2006, he served at the Colegio San Agustin, in David, Panama. From 2006 to 2010 he served as Prior and Pastor at the Centro Misional “Jesus Obrero," Tole, Panama. From 2010 until the present he has served as prior, pastor and councilor of the Vicariate at the Convento San Alonso de Orozco, Chitré, Panama. From 2013, he served also as diocesan Chancellor and member of the diocesan College of Consultors for the Diocese of Chitré. On behalf of the entire Order, I wish to extend our sincere congratulations to Bishop-elect Manuel Ochogavía Barahona as he is called to serve the Church in the episcopate, and let us all together offer him our fraternal support and remembrance in our prayers for him as he undertakes this new ministry.
Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Anton, O.S.A.
Prior General, Order of St. Augustine