News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Fr. Bernie Scianna OSA: Developing Plans and Cultural Experiences from the 2016 Augustinian General Mid-Chapter in Nigeria
Father Bernie Scianna OSA writes a second update from the General Mid-Chapter in Nigeria with great updates about the many plans Augustinians across the world are collaborating each other. From progress in our Peruvian missions to funding a scholarship for an Augustinian to study in Rome and more, there are plenty of big discussions happening. Read now!
In Special Recognition of Fr. John Gaffney OSA
This year, we are hosting a special Reception Honoring the Augustinians of Tulsa. Dozens of Augustinians friars have made tremendous impacts on the lives of thousands in Tulsa, particularly at Cascia Hall Preparatory School, where the Order has served since 1926. One friar in particular we will be honoring is Father John Gaffney, O.S.A., who has been a professed Augustinian for an astounding 77 years!
Fr. Bernie Scianna OSA at the 2016 Augustinian Mid-Chapter in Nigeria
In September 2016, Augustinian leaders from across the world are congregating in Nigeria for the international Mid-chapter for the Order. The Mid-chapter serves as a time when provincials and other leaders can meet and evaluate the progress that the Augustinians are making on their six-year goals. Here are remarks from the Very Reverend Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., who is the Prior Provincial of the Augustinians in the Midwest United States, Canada, and Northern Peru:
Who Is Father Bill Perez OSA?
On October 8, we will be honoring Father Bill Perez, O.S.A., for his 60th Anniversary of his Profession of Vows in the Augustinian Order. Read more about Father's ministry as an Augustinian and how you can participate in the upcoming reception!
Our Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Book: Reflection from the Author
On August 28, 2016, the Midwest Augustinians published a book to commemorate the Midwest Province's 75th anniversary. The books are being mailed out throughout the month of September and are also available for sale online. Patrick T. Murphy, the book's author and the Midwest Augustinians' Associate Director for Communications, reflected on writing the book over the past year.
Augustinians Support International Day of Peace: September 21, 2016
The Augustinian Commission for Justice and Peace encourages Augustinian schools, parishes, and communities to observe International Day of Peace, September 21, 2016, with learning, prayer and other actions to promote peace, and invites all who identify with Augustinian spirituality to do likewise.
11 Novices Profess Vows as Augustinians
We are truly blessed to welcome 11 men into the Augustinian Order! Their professions were made at Saint Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago on Sunday, July 31. When men profess their vows as Augustinians (vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience), they are furthering their commitment to be a part of the Augustinian Order. They do so after a year of contemplative prayer at the Augustinian Novitiate in Racine, Wisconsin. As professed brothers, they will now study theological courses at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago to better prepare them to become solemnly professed friars and ordained priests.
I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me: Father Pizzo's Ministry with Imprisoned Migrant Families
Earlier this year, Father Tony Pizzo, O.S.A., the Augustinian pastor at Saint Rita of Cascia Parish in Chicago, gave a presentation to the United Nations Conference on Migration. The presentation highlights the importance that we, as baptized Christians, are called upon to be welcoming to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ regardless of their country of origin. His ministry also highlights the need to practice the corporal work of mercy to visit the imprisoned. Read his speech here.
Stand Up to Racism and March: The Martin Luther King National March
Join the Augustinians of Saint Rita Parish in Chicago in a march in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King and his fight against racism. This march is the 50th anniversary of the march where Dr. King and thousands of activists took a stand to fight against racism.
Bernard Heerey Family Foundation: Assisting Elderly, Retired Augustinians
The Bernard Heerey Foundation has granted the Augustinians $50,000 to cover the care of one of our friars for a year! Thank you so much to Mr. Grey and the Heerey Foundation to helping to improve the spiritual landscape across Chicago!
Austin Catholic High School Secures Home of their Own in Michigan
The Augustinians of the Midwest and Canada are thrilled to learn that our sister school, Austin Catholic High School in Ray, Michigan, has found a permanent home to call their own!
Download the New Issue of "The Midwest Augustinian" Newsletter
Our newest issue of The Midwest Augustinian is jam-packed with stories and news! Download your copy here to get a sneak peek before it arrives in your mailbox!