Saint Fulgentius (462-527)
Saint Fulgentius
January 3
Fulgentius (462-527) was a follower of St. Augustine's ideal of community life, a student of St. Augustine's theological teachings and a Bishop in the African Church.
Born in Thelpte (now called Medinet-el-Kedima), Tunisia, in 462, Fulgentius served as a young man in the government of the Vandals in northern Africa. He was named Procurator, which gave him the duty of collecting taxes.
After reading Augustine's Exposition of Psalm 36, and feeling a call to enter religious life, he initially planned in 499 to join a group of hermits in Egypt. He changed his mind, though, when he learned that Egyptian monasticism had fallen under the influence of theological errors.
Fulgentius was elected Bishop of Ruspe in 502. As a Bishop, he followed Augustine's example in living in community with the clergy of his Diocese. He founded several other monasteries in Africa. When he was exiled to Sardinia, not wanting to be away from the monastic community life, he even founded monasteries there.
Because of his devotion to the Augustinian ideal of community life and his knowledge of Augustine's writings, especially on the topic of Grace, Fulgentius was known as the Pocket Augustine.
Fulgentius died in Ruspe January 1, 527.