Canadian Augustinian school returns to missions in Peru

Villanova College students from Canada donate school apparel to local students in Northern Peru

Villanova College students from Canada donate school apparel to local students in Northern Peru

Villanova College (King City, Ontario, Canada) embarked on its second religious mission excursion to the town of Morropón in Northern Peru this past July.  The purpose of this Augustinian missionary trip is to serve the spiritual and material needs of the Peruvian people.

Bishop Dan Turley, O.S.A. visits with the students from Villanova College while they are in Peru

Bishop Dan Turley, O.S.A. visits with the students from Villanova College while they are in Peru

Students from Villanova College (King City, Ontario, Canada) with the people of Morropón, Piura, Perú

Students from Villanova College (King City, Ontario, Canada) with the people of Morropón, Piura, Perú

Nine students and two teachers from Villanova College participated in this 17-day experience, interacting on many levels with the locals and the people from neighboring towns.  This involvement included teaching English at two high schools, assisting at a school for children with special needs and at an orphanage,  participating in youth group meetings, interacting with the elderly at an old age home, attending daily Mass, and making new friends in the community. A special thank you to the teachers, Ms. Picerno and Mr. Rick, for all of their efforts to organize this opportunity for the students of Villanova College. Congratulations to the following Grade 12 students for completing the mission: Faiza Agyemang, Jenna Bifolchi, Adriana Caravaggio (alumni, second time doing the experience), Lindsay Hatt, Andrea Lackowicz, Claudia Naccarato, Natalie Pignetti, Alana Sullivan, and Francesca Vance.

“Every student needs to do a mission trip like this while in high school or university.”
— Jenna Bifolchi
“I can’t thank my school and teachers enough for providing me with this life changing opportunity.”
— Lindsay Hatt
Padre Wilder [Augustinian pastor in Morropón] needs to come to Canada, especially to our school!”
— Natalie Pignetti
I will return to the town of Morropón one day with so many fond memories and invaluable experiences.”
— Alana Sullivan

Update from Augustinian General Chapter in Rome


Augustinians support International Day of Peace: September 21, 2013