Annual Report Now Online
I am pleased to share our annual report for 2014, which is a priority for us because it demonstrates:
- Our stewardship of the gifts you have so generously shared with us,
- Our direction: where we are serving, how we serve, our future plans, and
- The commitment of our donors: the good people (like you) who are supporting us with gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
When I took office in 2010, I told everyone, “It would not be business as usual.” The report underscores that commitment. It contains a lot of good information, good stories, and a lot of hard facts. I urge you to look it over. It is our “report card” to you. It is important to us Augustinians that you find value in our efforts of outreach and stewardship. Please feel free to share your thoughts by calling Michael Gerrity or Elizabeth Mazur at 773-595-4008 or you can email our Communications Director Patrick Murphy.
Here are some highlights and major areas of content:
- Page 2: My message to you as a valued supporter of the Midwest Augustinians,
- Pages 3-7: Our priorities and activities in the areas of formation and vocations, caring for our retired and infirm friars, our missions in Peru, our schools, and our parishes,
- Pages 8-9: Our ongoing work in advancement and fundraising which we hope to increase in order to support the growing needs of all our various ministries. The financial summary shows how funds were received and expended.
- Pages 10-20: Recognizes and thanks all of our donors. Please remember that this covers donors to the Province’s annual fund, Augustinian Gala, and capital campaign from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. We try to be exceptionally diligent and inclusive. If you see anything missing or a misspelling, please accept my apologies and tell us right away so that we can correct our mistake.
Thank you again for your prayers and your generosity. I know that you have other causes asking you for support. I promise that we will work hard to keep your trust and to earn your faith in us. God bless you.
Sincerely in Christ and St. Augustine,
Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.
Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians