News & Media

Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.

Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton

Announcing Goal for Continuing Our Journey of Faith Campaign

On September 16, 2014, the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians, announced the goal and official launch of the Continuing Our Journey of Faith capital campaign.  The campaign hopes to build the Fr. Ray Ryan Trust for vocations and the Journey of a Lifetime Trust for the retirement needs of the Augustinians.  Please watch his announcement here.

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Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton

What do St. Monica's in Rome, Wrigley Field, and the Feasts of St. Monica & Augustine Have in Common?

Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians, offers his Homily celebrating the Feasts of St. Augustine and St. Monica, while referencing experiences at St. Monica's in Rome and a Billy Joel concert at Wrigley Field, Chicago.  He also discusses Pope Francis' top 10 tips on leading a happy life.  Read now!

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Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton

Homily for the Solemn Profession of the Rev. Richard A. Young, O.S.A., D.Min.

On May 16, the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., offered a beautiful homily for the solemn profession of vows of the Rev. Rich Young, O.S.A., D.Min., on the Feast of Sts. Alypius and Possidius.  The homily also had special meaning as it took place during the Augustinians' 107th annual solemn novena to St. Rita of Cascia.  Read it here!

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Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton Bernie Scianna O.S.A. Rory Dayton

Inaugural Gala a Success!

Thank you to all that attended and sponsored our Inaugural Gala in Chicago on April 26, 2013.  The event was a great success to raise awareness and funds for the Midwest Augustinians, and a great opportunity to bring together supporters from all over the Province.  Click for photos and sponsor listings.

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