Merry Christmas to the Augustinian Family!

To All Members of Our Augustinian Family,

As we quickly approach the Feast of Christmas, I take this time to wish all of you and your loved ones the Blessings of Peace, Joy, Hope, Mercy, and Love!

I am so grateful for the blessings that you are to me.

  • To those who are serving in our parishes, schools, missions, and other ministries, I am grateful for the service you offer to so many people so generously throughout the year.  You do so without counting the cost of your time and energy.  You are examples of faithfulness and hospitality, like Mary and Joseph, of bringing Christ into the world.
  • To those who are retired and infirm, I thank you for your many years of service and for your continued ministry of prayer and presence.  You are like Simeon and Anna who still have a purpose until the Lord helps you to fulfill your mission.
  • To those who are in formation with us, I offer you encouragement on your journey and the guidance of the star to seek and find where Christ is leading you!  You are like the Shepherds whose joy was so evident with the good news that unto use a Child is Born.  We are indeed grateful to have your joyful, energetic, and challenging presence among us.  You are a sign of Hope to the Order, Church, and World!
  • To our Affiliates, Lay Collaborators in Ministry, Benefactors, and Friends, I thank you for being partners with us on the journey and supporting us with your time, talent, and treasure like the Wise Ones who journeyed to see the New Born King!

We would not be who we are without ALL of YOU!

And as we now find ourselves in this Holy Year of Mercy as declared by our Holy Father Pope Francis, let us know of God's tremendous love and mercy for each one of us!  And may we become Messengers and Ministers of His Love and Mercy to each other and to the world!

Please be assured of my gratitude and prayers for a Holy Year of Mercy, a Blessed Christmas, and a Joyful New Year!

Prior Provincial, Father Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., with the Scianna Family

Prior Provincial, Father Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., with the Scianna Family

In Christ, Our Mother of Mercy, and St. Augustine,


Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.
Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians


Denise and Robert Utter Join Augustinian Advancement Council


Augustinian Missions in Peru: Saint Rita Cafeteria