Augustinians in Ecuador Safe after Eruptions of Volcano
Following eruptions of the massive volcano Cotopaxi, close to the Ecuadorian Capital city of Quito, people are very nervous, and the government has declared a state of emergency, Fr. Chris Steinle, O.S.A., reports. He and the other Augustinians are safe at this time.
Fr. Chris was assigned to the Augustinian Monastery in Quito Ecuador. Originally from Wisconsin, he professed his first vows as an Augustinian in 1992 with the Midwest Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. He has since served as an Augustinian missionary in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador at present.
Here is his first report, sent 6 p.m. August 17:
Here is an update, sent 9:21 a.m., August 18:
We ask you to please send your prayers to Fr. Chris, his Augustinian community, and the people of Ecuador during this state of emergency.