News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
A Historical Perspective on the Continuing Our Journey of Faith Campaign
Fr. David L. Brecht, O.S.A., who served as Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians, for three four-year terms offers his historical perspective on the Continuing Our Journey of Faith capital campaign. Fr. Brecht's article offers good insights to why the Augustinians set up special trusts like the Journey of a Lifetime Trust, the Good Counsel Trust, the Fr. John McKniff, O.S.A. Trust, and the Fr. Ray Ryan, O.S.A. Trust. Read it now!
"Archaeological Remains of St. Augustine's North Africa" Video Online!
In 2000, Fr. David L. Brecht, O.S.A., an honoree of the 2014 Augustinian Gala, published a short documentary detailing an archaeological story of St. Augustine in North Africa. St. Augustine was the bishop of Hippo in present-day Algeria. Please view and share the video!