News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Download Your Advance Copy of the "Men of Heart 2017" Poster!
For Giving Tuesday only, if you donate any amount to the Augustinian Annual Fund, you will receive a link to download an advance copy of next year's Men of Heart poster! The Men of Heart poster is released annually to celebrate the men that are currently in formation with the Augustinians.
Augustinians Support Human Rights Day: December 10, 2016
Human Rights Day, December 10, 2016, reminds Augustinian friars that they are called to take a stand to defend and promote the basic human rights of all persons. Augustinians invite and encourage all who identify with Augustinian spirituality and traditions to do likewise. Human Rights Day 2016 marks the 68th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration was adopted December 10, 1948.
"Sorry, son. You can't be a priest."
“Sorry, son. You can’t be a priest. We don’t have enough money to send you to the seminary.” Father John Merkelis, O.S.A., recently recounted, “My brother Mark wanted to be a priest. There wasn’t enough money. My brother Ernie wanted to be a priest. There wasn’t enough money. By the time I came around, my mom and dad got the message and said, ‘We better put some time into this.’”
Summer/Fall 2016 Issue of "The Midwest Augustinian" Now Available!
One great big issue of The Midwest Augustinian newsletter is now available! In this special summer/fall issue, we talk about the "Summer of Hope" that we witnessed, one friar's speech at the United Nations, our international youth encounter, and more! We even combine it to include our annual report. Download your copy today!
Annual Report 2015-2016 Now Available
The Augustinians are proud to release our annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. The online report includes donor scrolls, stewardship updates, and a financial summary. The Augustinians publish the annual report in effort to be good stewards of the gifts our donors contribute.
Employment Opportunities with the Midwest Augustinians' Advancement Office
The Augustinians are seeking two professionals, passionate about their Catholic faith, to join our Advancement Team! If you or someone you know is looking to coordinate our Annual Fund or Communications, check this out!
Conclusions from the 2016 Augustinian General Mid-Chapter in Nigeria
In September 2016, Augustinian leaders from around the world gathered in Abuja, Nigeria for the Order's General Mid-Chapter. Significantly, the Augustinians made history this year as they became the first mendicant order to hold a chapter or mid-chapter held on the African continent! Here is the concluding letter from the worldwide leader of Augustinians, Father Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A.
Augustinians Support World Food Day: October 16, 2016
Augustinians of the Midwest are encouraged to mark the United Nations' World Food Day, October 16, 2016, in their communities and ministries. The Augustinians invite and encourage all who identify with Augustinian spirituality and traditions to do likewise.
Fr. Bernie Scianna OSA: Developing Plans and Cultural Experiences from the 2016 Augustinian General Mid-Chapter in Nigeria
Father Bernie Scianna OSA writes a second update from the General Mid-Chapter in Nigeria with great updates about the many plans Augustinians across the world are collaborating each other. From progress in our Peruvian missions to funding a scholarship for an Augustinian to study in Rome and more, there are plenty of big discussions happening. Read now!
In Special Recognition of Fr. John Gaffney OSA
This year, we are hosting a special Reception Honoring the Augustinians of Tulsa. Dozens of Augustinians friars have made tremendous impacts on the lives of thousands in Tulsa, particularly at Cascia Hall Preparatory School, where the Order has served since 1926. One friar in particular we will be honoring is Father John Gaffney, O.S.A., who has been a professed Augustinian for an astounding 77 years!
Fr. Bernie Scianna OSA at the 2016 Augustinian Mid-Chapter in Nigeria
In September 2016, Augustinian leaders from across the world are congregating in Nigeria for the international Mid-chapter for the Order. The Mid-chapter serves as a time when provincials and other leaders can meet and evaluate the progress that the Augustinians are making on their six-year goals. Here are remarks from the Very Reverend Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., who is the Prior Provincial of the Augustinians in the Midwest United States, Canada, and Northern Peru:
Who Is Father Bill Perez OSA?
On October 8, we will be honoring Father Bill Perez, O.S.A., for his 60th Anniversary of his Profession of Vows in the Augustinian Order. Read more about Father's ministry as an Augustinian and how you can participate in the upcoming reception!