News & Media

Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.

Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

In Memoriam: Br. John J. Stobba, O.S.A.

The Augustinians mourn the loss of another brother, as Br. John J. Stobba, OSA has gone to eternal life. He took his last breath on August 14, 2018 at 11:20pm. He was 88 years of age.

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Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

Fr. Anthony Pizzo, OSA, Elected as Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians

On the morning of Monday, June 4 the delegates of the Midwest Augustinian Province officially opened the week-long Provincial Chapter and promptly elected Fr. Anthony Pizzo, OSA, as the incoming Prior Provincial. Fr. Pizzo, who has been serving as the Pastor of St. Rita of Cascia Parish in Chicago, will be installed as Prior Provincial at an evening prayer service at St. Rita Shrine Chapel at St. Rita High School this Wednesday, June 6. The service will begin at 6:30 PM, and all are invited to attend.

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Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

2018 Gala Honorees: Tony and Phyllis Lauinger

We are delighted to take this opportunity to tell you more about our 2018 Affiliate Honorees: Tony and Phyllis Lauinger, who are members of the Cascia Hall community and Chairpersons for the National Right to Life.

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Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

2018 Gala Honoree Fr. John Merkelis, O.S.A.

In celebrating Fr. John Merkelis, O.S.A, we honor a man who has provided extraordinary spiritual care and guidance to the community of Providence Catholic High School, to the friars he serves as Personnel Director and Vicar Provincial, and to all those who are blessed to call him a friend. 

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Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A., Speaks at Press Conference for DREAMers

On Monday, February 5, the inter-religious social justice organization Protected by Faith held a press conference in Federal Plaza, downtown Chicago, to demonstrate their support of young DREAMers. Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A., Pastor of St. Rita of Cascia Parish, was invited to set the opening context for the organization's support of the nation's young, vulnerable immigrant population.

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Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

St. Rita Parish To Receive Award for Service to Immigrant Community

The Midwest Augustinian Province is delighted to announce that St. Rita of Cascia Parish has been selected by the Archdiocese of Chicago to receive the 2018 Saint Toribio Romo Award. Saint Rita Parish, located in the southwest side neighborhood of Marquette Park, was chosen out of all parishes in recognition of its Pastoral Migratoria program.

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Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

Meet 2018 Gala Honoree Br. Jerome Sysko, O.S.A.

At the Sixth Annual Augustinian Gala, on April 27, we will be celebrating the service of four very special honorees: Fr. John Merkelis, O.S.A., Br. Jerome Sysko, O.S.A., and Augustinian Affiliates Tony and Phyllis Lauinger. Over the next three weeks we will be posting profiles of each of these honorees, and today we are very pleased to begin with the Former Prior of the Augustinian Health Care Community, Br. Jerome Sysko.

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Rory Dayton Rory Dayton

Fr. Philip Cook, O.S.A., Named Headmaster of Cascia Hall

Fr. Philip has served at Cascia off and on for the past twenty-five years. He first came to Cascia as Bro. Philip in 1993 and taught Theology and Latin in the middle school. He earned a reputation as a wonderful teacher, being very demanding of his students.

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