News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
"Reigniting Catholicism": An Augustinian Lecture Series in New Lenox
This 10-part series features prominent speakers who will proudly and enthusiastically proclaim the rich traditions and beauty of the Catholic faith.
A Message from the Prior Provincial for Martin Luther King Jr Day
MLK Day is a day meant to remember and re-member.
Province Volunteers and Friars Take to the Phones to Say "Thank You" To Our Donors
Recently a team of thirteen volunteers, staff, and professed Augustinians took on a "thank you" calls project. The calls, made to over 700 donors to the Augustinians of the past year, were done to extend a heartfelt thank you for their generosity, to wish each person the best of the Advent and Christmas Seasons, to answer any questions, and to encourage prayer intentions.
Christmas Message from the Midwest Prior Provincial
A Message from Very Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A. to his Augustinian brothers
Tulsa Dinner Raises Money for Augustinian Vocations
The second annual Polo Grill "Fine Dining for Augustinian Vocations" Dinner took place at the Polo Grill in Tulsa, Sunday evening, November 17. Our gracious sponsors were the owners of the Polo Grill, Robert and Diane Merrifield.
The Midwest Augustinians' 2018-2019 Annual Report Is Here!
We are proud to release our Annual Report for the 2018-2019 fiscal year!
October News Brief From the Province
October was an eventful month for our Province and for our parishes!
St. Rita of Cascia High School Introduces New President
Following an extensive national search, Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A., Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians, announces the appointment of Dr. James Quaid as President of St. Rita of Cascia High School.
Join the Campaign: 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting
You are invited to join with Catholics and other persons of faith during the 40 days beginning October 16, 2019 and ending November 24, 2019 to PRAY and FAST for justice in the treatment the estimated 15,000* children being kept in detention and policies supporting family unity.