News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Inter-religious Prayer Vigil for Ukraine
Inter-religious Prayer Vigil for Ukraine - God of peace and justice, Light of our minds and hearts.
A Festival of Peace 2022 - Friday, March 25
Join the Augustinian Friars of the St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel as they present A Festival of Peace 2022…
February Newsletter - Español
Después de casi quince años de servicio a la Provincia de Nuestra Madre del Buen Consejo, la Hna. Mary Ann Hamer, OSF, se jubila oficialmente. Recientemente, la oficina de la Provincia tuvo una pequeña reunión para celebrar y compartir muchos recuerdos, risas y logros.
Message on Martin Luther King Jr. Day from Prior Provincial
Today marks the day of remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As we do every year, the U.S. honors the late civil rights leader whose prophetic stance in favor of economic justice and equality for all people continues to rattle our consciences.
Fr. Tony Pizzo Re-Elected as Prior Provincial for Second Four-Year Term
The Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Council has re-elected incumbent Prior Provincial, Very Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo, O.S.A. for a second four-year term of service.
The Priesthood Ordinations of Fr. Jeff Raths, O.S.A. and Fr. Jeff Roccasalva, O.S.A.
The Priesthood Ordinations of Fr. Jeff Raths, O.S.A. and Fr. Jeff Roccasalva, O.S.A.
Year-end IRA Distributions for Charitable Gifts are Tax-Free and Still Encouraged
Midwest Augustinian Advancement Director Michael Gerrity wants to be sure that all donors age 70 and ½ or older know that they can make charitable gifts from their IRAs to meet the government’s annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).
Prior Provincial Fr. Tony Pizzo Leads 16th Annual Posada of the Archdiocese of Chicago
This Friday, December 17, Prior Provincial Fr. Tony Pizzo, O.S.A. will offer welcoming remarks at the Archdiocese of Chicago’s 16th Annual Posada for Immigration Reform.
Kathleen Lynch (Kennedy) named new Manager of Communications.
The Midwest Augustinians welcome Kathleen Lynch (Kennedy) as their new Manager of Communications.
Providence Catholic High School Principal Search
Providence Catholic High School is seeking its next Principal who, inspired by our Augustinian values, will lead our school community as we build upon our tradition of excellence.
2022 Augustinian Gala Honorees Announced
Fr. Tony Pizzo is pleased to announce that a committee of Friars and Advancement Council members have selected outstanding candidates as the 2022 Augustinian Gala honorees 2022.
XVI ANNUAL POSADA - Seeking Immigration Reform
XVI ANNUAL POSADA - Seeking Immigration Reform