News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Pope Francis Names New Augustinian Bishop
This letter from the Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Anton, O.S.A., the Prior General of the worldwide Augustinian Order, congratulates the recent Augustinian who was named to be ordained a bishop. The letter came following the announcement today from Pope Franics. Read more.
Not by Bread Alone: Relationships and Feeling Good by Doing Good
A few years ago an op-ed article in a major national newspaper asked, “Does your giving make you feel good?” It got quite a spirited response which to me was a good sign that people were reading and thinking about their giving. I would answer that your giving should make you feel good, not in some smug or prideful way, but because you know in your heart that you did “good.” Read more...
Memorializing Fr. Ray Ryan, O.S.A.
Fr. Ray Ryan, O.S.A., was a much beloved Augustinian that served three four-year terms as Prior Provincial of the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. In this article, Fr. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A., offers some insights into who Fr. Ray Ryan was, as well as what the Augustinians are doing to preserve his legacy. Read this article now!
Pat Ormsby Discusses Why He Volunteers for Augustinians
Pat Ormsby, the President of Bimba Manufacturing, discusses why he volunteered as a Vice-Chair for the Augustinians' capital campaign Continuing Our Journey of Faith. Ormsby, a 1964 graduate of Mendel Catholic High School in Chicago, also discusses how he sees the Augustinians have impacted him personally in life, as well as how he sees them as relevant in today's society. Listen now!
Reflection for Beginning of Second Term as Prior Provincial
On Wednesday, June 11, the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., began his second four-year term as Prior Provincial. Fr. Bernie offered these remarks regarding what has happened in the past four years, and where he hopes to see the Midwest Augustinians go in the next four years. Read now!
Fr. Robert Prevost, O.S.A., Named Vicar Provincial
The Rev. Robert F. Prevost, O.S.A., who, at the Post-Chapter meeting of the Province Council, was elected First Counselor and Vicar Provincial for the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. The Vicar Provincial acts on behalf of the Prior Provincial's absence. Read more!
Photos from Fr. Bernie Scianna's Installation Now Online!
On Wednesday, June 11, 2014, the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., officially began his second term as Prior Provincial. His re-installation took place at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Please enjoy this photo gallery and share with friends!
"How I Found the Augustinians" by Nick Mullarkey, O.S.A. Novice
Nick Mullarkey is an Augustinian Novice that is preparing to profess his first vows in the Augustinian Order in August 2014. He is currently spending his novitiate year with the Augustinian community at St. Rita of Cascia Parish in Racine, Wisconsin. Please read his article on how he recalls his spiritual journey to finding the Augustinians.
Read the Spring Issue of The Midwest Augustinian Online
The Spring 2014 issue of The Midwest Augustinian is now available to read and download online. This issue includes articles by Fr. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A., Michael Gerrity, Augustinian Novice Nick Mullarkey, and much more. Photos from our gala, news from Peru, Fr. Bob Prevost, Fr. Rich Young, and more. Read it now!
Photos from St. Rita Feast Day
We are happy to post the photos from this year's Feast of St. Rita! Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A., celebrated the Mass after concluding the 107th annual novena to St. Rita at the St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago. Please check out our photo gallery slideshow and share!
Photos from 50th Anniversary Celebration in Peru
The Augustinians recently concluded their 50th anniversary of missionary service to the Diocese of Chulucanas in Northern Peru. The concluding jubilee celebrations included a priesthood ordination of one Peruvian Augustinian and one visit from the Apostolic Nuncio to Peru on behalf of Pope Francis. See the photos now!
Watch "Solemn Vows 2014" - An Inspiring Video about Fr. Rich Young, O.S.A., Professing Augustinian Vows
On May 16, the Feast of Augustinian Saints Alypius and Possidius, Fr. Rich Young, O.S.A., professed his solemn vows in the Augustinian Order. The profession also took place during the 107th annual novena to St. Rita of Cascia, at the St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago. The video also has remarks from Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., Prior Provincial, and Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A., Vocations Director. Please watch this short, inspirational video and share it with friends!