News & Media
Stay up to date with recent happenings across the Midwest Augustinian Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Celebrating Healing and Restoration: A Transformative Women's Retreat at the Carmelite Spiritual Center
Celebrating Healing and Restoration: A Transformative Women's Retreat at the Carmelite Spiritual Center
Brotherhood in Peru: Br. David Marshall at Vicariate of Chulucanas
Br. David has been touring the Vicariate with Fr. Eleodoro, Director of the
Federation of the three Peruvian Vicariates. Here they are visiting Chulucanas.
Augustinians Lead Pilgrimage through Italy and Greece
Augustinians Lead Pilgrimage through Italy and Greece
Augustinian Chaplains at Covecrest, Annual Life Teen Summer Camp in Georgia
Augustinian Chaplains at Covecrest, Annual Life Teen Summer Camp in Georgia
Augustinians from North America visit Italy on a pellegrinaggio (pilgrimage) to major Augustinian sites
Augustinians from North America visit Italy on a
pellegrinaggio (pilgrimage) to major Augustinian sites.
A Pilgrimage Into the Wild: Br. David Relstab leads Scout Hike
A Pilgrimage Into the Wild: Br. David Relstab leads Scout Hike